KingSwap is a Decentralized Digital Exchange

5 min readOct 28, 2020



The economy is changing rapidly, and businesses must adapt to the new circumstances. The traditional financial system is struggling through an unbelievable recession, but the digital asset market KingSwap is constantly trying to perfect itself in response to the needs of such an economy gender.
KingSwap is the latest decentralized financial liquidity platform, a step further and better for UniSwap. In addition to providing off-ramp fiat currency conversion solutions to allow users great convenience between the fiat world and cryptocurrency.
KingSwap has also added some new blockchain community-oriented features to Uniswap’s core design, which will help develop the technology. Our protocol design provides to tailor preferences for users by introducing strategies like team rewards and network effects.

Why say KingSwap is a digital asset marketplace:

KingSwap is a fundraising platform using blockchain technology for small and medium enterprises to raise capital. KingSwap allows to set up a token-based crowdfunding campaign for small and medium businesses with an embedded trading marketplace. KingSwap has been designed to facilitate tokenization of our existing economy in an ecosystem for all stakeholders. KingSwap aims to unite the interests of entrepreneurs, investors and traders to bring them into a fully regulated and transparent ecosystem.

How does KingSwap work?

Since there is no order book or any centralized party is required to execute a trade, you may be wondering how transactions take place without a third party. Well, KingSwap works with a model involving liquidity providers that create liquidity groups. This model provides a decentralized pricing mechanism that effectively handles third-party depth. Here’s how KingSwap works. Being a fork where we just copied the core design wasn’t enough. New features and effective tools are needed to drive KingSwap to be the best DEX on the market.
Since there is no order book or any centralized party required to execute a transaction, you may be wondering… how does the transaction take place without a third party?
KingSwap works with a model that involves LPs generating liquidity groups. This model provides a decentralized pricing mechanism that effectively handles third-party depth. In order to fully understand how it works, we will provide you with details about $ KING, Nonfungible Tokens (NFT), our Liquidity and Security Migration.

KingSwap token distribution

If you are an existing LP in the UniSwap groups or are just looking for a platform to invest in and make a “tribute” from there, you should definitely consider KingSwap. We designed the token delivery mechanism to make the existing UniSwap LPs migrating to our protocol extremely easy and adaptable. The journey to greener meadows doesn’t have to be long and arduous!
After the LPs have bet UniSwap or SushiSwap LP on the KingSwap liquidity group, they will start earning tokens and rewards. $ KING per block allocated to the LP will be evenly distributed among the LPs of the supported group. $ KING will also be distributed in tribute farming & LP.

KingSwap NFT

Early users and backers can buy KingSwap NFT very soon. There are 3 tiers of NFT KingSwap [King, Queen and Knight] with levels of 0.2, 2, and 10ETH per item, which act as exclusive entries to the $ KING rewards pool, in addition to unlocking a bunch of Rewards and privileges will be disclosed within the appropriate time.

For all NFT holders and liquidity providers

The 10,000 Kings per block mentioned earlier is not the only reward — we also have a $ 10 million secret KING Airdrop for all LP and NFT holders who have placed their tokens on liquidity group. In order to win $ KING’s Secret Airdrop, the provider must stay for a minimum period of time and stay within a selected date range. This will ensure that the liquidity providers remain at least until the airdrop.

Why should we invest in KingSwap?

1) KingSwap is backed by a trusted team and built to comply with stringent regulatory requirements
2) Users can convert their Cryptocurrencies to Fiat currency through our OTC portal and they can choose to top up their fiat to our VISA / Unionpay Card issued
3) Follow the popular UniSwap liquidity group model to reward the community by providing a way for liquidity providers to monetize transaction fees from applications
4) Initial LPs (Liquidity Providers) can earn a “tribute” from the Kingswap before moving the liquidity pool.
5) There will be more waves of secret airdrops for early supporters to buy Kingswap NFT following the launch of KingSwap and for early liquidity providers and platform users ..
6) Earn extra $ KING when you bet your $ KING with us, Higher Bonus is earned from staking and more seller benefits like: free spotify, Netflix exclusive member airport lounges, global co-working rights, etc.


Conclude :

KingSwap aims to make it as easy and secure for small and medium businesses to enter the token-based economy as possible, that’s why we need to ensure that all transactions are made by every member of the KingSwap Platform made easy, that the way interaction is user-friendly, and that the payment gateway is secure and stable. That is why we are constantly trying and developing. It is clear that a stable exchange rate is one of the main and perfectly legitimate goals of financial regulators. Stability gives people the opportunity not to spend the time and resources trying to protect their savings from depreciation. Stable money could become the foundation for the international market for loan and derivative financial instruments, which will have high reliability and security for all participants.


User : Brown36

Url bicointalk :;u=2785648

ETH : 0x14B114E8546a8F6383727e7BC0a7bC72E1cA5ED4

